Ryan Porter

18 songs
7.2K plays
Picture for song 'Happy Valentines Day 356237' by artist 'Ryan Porter'

Happy Valentines Day 356237

Other Alternative

Picture for song 'Happy Valentines Day 41812' by artist 'Ryan Porter'

Happy Valentines Day 41812

Other Alternative

Picture for song 'Happy Valentines Day 831399' by artist 'Ryan Porter'

Happy Valentines Day 831399

Other Alternative

Picture for song 'Happy Valentines Day 306072' by artist 'Ryan Porter'

Happy Valentines Day 306072

Other Alternative

Picture for song 'Happy Valentines Day 325662' by artist 'Ryan Porter'

Happy Valentines Day 325662

Other Alternative

If you like pop rock, harp music, silly songs, or metal then you will probably like at least some of my music.
Band/artist history
I'm just doing my own thing here.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I play live occasionally with different groups. I usually play drums live. I do harp gigs too.
Your musical influences
They Might Be Giants, Extol, Opeth, Schaliach, Ole Borud
What equipment do you use?
Too much to list
Anything else?
I play all styles of music, so enjoy!


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