I don't actually have a band. I like doing shit by myself. At least if it sucks, I know exactly who to blame.
I've been playing for over ten years now. If you condensed all that down, that's about 3 or 4 solid years of practice at best. heh
I still think it would be cool to start a band (man, I'm dumb)... even though I've tried it before and it was mostly an utter dogshit unfulfilling experience... I might try it again if it feels right. I have some difficulty playing and singing simultaneously, depending on the riffage but that doesn't mean I need a singer. It would be nice to hear what my music sounds like with an actual band backing it up.
If you live in New York (like Queens, NY or something) and feel like sharing in my musical rut, drop me a line.
As opposed to what? Playing dead? But no, I don't perform my music live... having these songs forever preserved on a CD is bad enough. Performing these songs live would be a tragedy.
Mostly dark, heavy and melodic types of music. None of which you'll find on this demo ha ha ha.
I use a guitar, a mic, some pedals, a cheap-ass keyboard that supplies the drumbeat, and a cassette four track. Huzzah!!
Don't expect any kind of stellar production, this is demo material.
To everyone who took the time to type and say they liked my shit, THANKS. Unexpected, but appreciated. Take care and fuck wiggers.