Duane Deemer COWBOY
DUANE DEEMER is known as COWBOY in Nashville -- which should tell you something in a city that is populated with men in boots and cowboy hats. Duane leaves an i

DUANE DEEMER is known as "COWBOY" in Nashville -- which should tell you something in a city that is populated with men in boots and cowboy hats. Duane leaves an impression, and is not easily forgotten. He literally stands head and shoulders above the crowd, but has gained the reputation as one of the kindest and most humble guys around. As much for his attitude and work ethic as for his talent, Duane has become a favorite among musicians and songwriters from all walks of life. His Choctaw and Cherokee Indian heritage has played a strong role in inspiring the way he looks at life, and the way that he lives it every day. His passion and love for life and living it can be felt in his song lyrics and his live performances.
The prolific singer/ songwriter has been a Music City resident for almost 3 years now, but had been a regular on the songwriters' scene for over eight years prior. Duane enjoyed a busy music career in Iowa before heeding the call of Nashville. He spent his time playing in numerous bands, performing countless solo gigs, as well as writing award-winning TV and radio commercials. One of his original compositions won Commercial of the Year in the Midwest in 1999 and also won various other national awards. Duane also started the first Iowa Chapter of The Nashville Songwriters' Association International in 2001 and acted as Regional Coordinator for two years. In spite of his local successes and strong hometown following, he found himself commuting to Nashville more and more frequently. Duane eventually reached a crossroads, and decided to make the move permanent in the fall of 2003.
Working with Robbie Wittkowski and Larry Merritt of Kid Kody Music in Nashville , Duane has since been blessed with 30 independent cuts and the opportunity to co-write with so many awesome writers like Grand Ole Opry star Ernie Ashworth, Bobby G. Rice, Jenny Duke, Marc Alan Barnett, Mark Steven Jones, Trent Jeffcoat, Jessica Ford, Robbie Wittkowki, Adam Fears, Shelby Merchant and Billy Hester, who are only a few of Cowboys friends and associates. Writing with awesome writers from Nashville to Iowa, Texas to Los Angeles, Duanes writing is very versatile, and various artists have interpreted Duane's song writing in styles ranging from pop to southern rock and gospel to hard core country . One tune in particular, Hows a Girl to Know has been recorded four times.
Duane is very active in the Nashville music scene with writing , co-writing, studio time and performing regularly at writers' nights and shows in and around Nashville performing hits like Down On My Knees, Trying To Ride The Wind, and Wherever You Run . Duane loves everything about being a part of the Nashville music scene. His down-to-earth, cowboy attitude is to take one day at a time, and that every day is truly a blessing. Duane's style is often compared to the likes of Waylon Jennings, Charlie Daniels, Cash and Chris LeDoux. He's a Cowboy to the core , been called the real deal and one of the last true outlaws. From ballads to love songs, southern rock to straight-from-the-gut hardcore country, what you see is what you get. Duane still owns his 60-acre horse ranch in rural southern Iowa near Osceola and Weldon. When hes not performing in and around Nashville or on the road performing , Duane takes the opportunity to travel back home to the wide open spaces that inspire his music and very way of life.
Band/artist history
Rural Iowa To Nashville And Way Beyond.......
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Writers Rounds And Acoustic performances In And Around Nashville and Across The US
Your musical influences
Hank Jr, Waylon, Cash, SRV, Skynyrd, Outlaws, Allman Bros, Eagles, Robert Mirabal, LeDoux, Strait, Nakai, Music Rocks..........
What equipment do you use?
My Acoustic Guitar...........
Anything else?
Ride The Wind!!!!!!!!!
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Comments (4)
Definately makes you want to have another round.
lyrics sound excellent with the sound effects. Love this song. Especially enjoy how you incorporate nature into your songs.
Cool sound effects and perfect lyrics.
Best song I've heard all day. WOW!
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