Masters of Silence
Jul 25, 2016
man this is another great work. This number will be never ending.
Ken Sacco
Jun 16, 2016
very cool pink floydish tribute nicely done
Swampman And The Machine
Jun 06, 2016
Pink Floyd here awesome tune dam I should have been here sonner cuz !
Swampman And The Machine
May 29, 2015
Song: Resurected (take 1)
Pink Floyd vibes in this one cuz all around awesome work !
Alan L Cole
Jan 22, 2015
Song: Resurected (take 2)
Wow Michael, another side of the Maestro. This track is awesome. Very nice arrangement, guitars & piano. Vocals are very cool Michael! Bittersweet & beautiful. Awesome!
Jul 31, 2014
Song: Resurected (take 2)
I had to take 2 a spin.....THis is such a grreat song......I love how you take us back to our progroots in this song......back into the 70s prog the accents of the bells and the guitar.....THE this is some production... it Michael and Marius.....great song.....BLessings~ Kath
Jul 31, 2014
Song: Resurected (take 1)
Beautiful lyrox....I spelled it incorrect for a reason.....This is not dark enough to be goth but it sure as hell prog rox my sox off....THe name maybe, goth yes....Very high impacted message.....Love the musical presence on the whole......luv the guitars gunggunggunging away ther and the beautiful performance to hear .......Top of charts bound I feel it....blessings in love and light always, Faunaserene
ms 007
Apr 13, 2014
Song: Resurected (take 2)
l really like this whole song arrangement ..nice work Micheal :) ktf
Bob Forbes
Mar 06, 2014
Song: Resurected (take 2)
Great example of Alternative genre. Very clear production - and crafty arrangement!
The Wretch Recording Laboratory
Mar 19, 2013
Song: The Dream
Very well done gentlemen!... Makes me want to break out "Nursery Crime", (maybe "Octopus" too)! Nice movement from "point A to point B", excellent mix and master... and love the subtle special effects.
(10 points to whoever names the 2 bands associated with afore mentioned albums... and, yes, I do have them on vinyl ;-)
ms 007
Mar 09, 2013
Song: Resurected (take 1)
ha ha ha Another Fav right off.. This is Alive !!! Can't see why you need to change vocals, AT ALL? like these lyrics & the feel of this ..l am smiling :) BRAVO!!! :))))oh gee l really love this, style~~x
l had hoped you'd follow with more from Masters of Slience l liked all the previous music quite allot, Always Debra L&P aka ms 007 kgtf
Bob Forbes
Feb 01, 2013
Song: Resurected (take 1)
Nice 3 way collab - good feel of Alternative - great arrangement and originality. Nice changes throughout keeps the listener interested. Bravo!
Jan 31, 2013
Song: The Dream
Should have gotten around to this before, great colab here, vocals, lyrics, music track, well mixed and altogether sounding superb.
this is emotional beautiful catharsis and this is what music is there you did an awesome job on this .......very FLoydianesque.......April 28 my dad passed onto the heavenlight....I just read my post a month after he died about the song I heard that I never was able t o save called March of the forgotten bookstores...title I dont even remember I have so many songs....Requiem is haunting and theres gonna come a day or night im going to lose my beloved mother shes 94 ....I dread that hour that that gloom sets in.....I hate death and dying I dont do well with its onslaught.....I fear whats going to happen to my psyche when my mama leaves this earth....