Acoustic Grace

Richmond, VA  USA
April 23, 2008
97,843 plays
In our songs, we have tried to portray what Christianity means to us - from the beauty of love, to the serenity of forgiveness, to the comfort received by prayer, and finally, to rejoicing in the Lord and the miracles He provides each and every day. We hope you enjoy the music and message!
Band/artist history
I began performing as a solo acoustic act in my home state of Virginia. Later, I played for over ten years as a guitarist and bassist in bands in the Los Angeles area. A few years ago I read the line "And with my song I will praise him" from Psalm 28. That moment totally changed my outlook on music and life. I had never considered writing songs about my spirituality but from that point on, music had a new purpose and would reflect my love for the Lord. I was inspired to write songs that included lyrics about my Christian faith. I'm the first to admit I'm not a good singer and that's where my wife Rebecca comes in. She has always been my number one fan and always encouraged me. At one point in my life, I stopped playing music and she's the one who got me started again. I always thought she had a nice voice and I asked her to sing on the songs. Rebecca has done a fantastic job and has turned my guitar instrumentals into real songs.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
For the past 5 years I have been playing bass with Praise Bands in the Richmond area. I'm enjoying playing live again but am ready to record new songs!
Your musical influences
Jorma Kaukonen and Rev. Gary Davis
What equipment do you use?
Martin and National guitars, Shure SM57 microphone, Behringer preamp, Fishman acoustic pickup and Cakewalk software. We keep it real simple - nothing but acoustic guitars and vocals.
Anything else?
I hope you enjoy our songs and if you're not a fan of Christian music, please listen anyway! To be honest, I wasn't very religious until I learned more about what Christianity really stands for: Christianity is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, forgiveness and compassion. Christianity is about helping the poor, feeding the hungry, loving your neighbor and loving God. Christianity is not about judging others or forcing values on others - it is about love. Jesus said it best when asked what the most important commandment was: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. Acoustic Grace is Rebecca Richardson on vocals and Brett Richardson on guitars.
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