Tammy Michelli
My mission is to write powerful lyrics to inspire others.

Im Scaling These Walls
My song is a poignant and introspective ballad that delves into the struggle with inner turmoil, resilience, and the journey towards healing and self-discovery.

Swing the Doors Wide Open
My song is a profound and poetic exploration of themes related to apocalypse, redemption, and spiritual renewal

iPhone in My Hand
My song is a high-energy rap that celebrates the iPhone, emphasizing its status as a cultural icon and a pinnacle of technology.
$25 Positive Vibes

Faith and Courage
My song is an anthem for those who understand that the path to success is often paved with sacrifice, emphasizing the roles of faith and courage in navigating life's darkest moments towards victory.
$25 Christian Pop

His Profound Sacrifice
My song is a deeply reflective and emotionally charged piece that contemplates the Christian narrative of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
$25 Christian Pop
- freestyling over a beat
- licensing music for use in TV or for a movie
- remixing or use audio samples
You can click on each feature on the left side of the comparison chart above to learn more about each one.
To get a tag-free audio please make sure you purchase a license which features "untagged audio".
To license a beat without audio tag and to use in a professional manner please buy a license from this page. Usually those are $25 and up.
The Stem file also usually includes the original stereo master of the track for standard playback.
I have been writing all my life. I got the songwriting bug when I was 16.
I have been writing all my life, but when I was 16 I went to a church and the ministers wrote their own songs. If they could do it, I knew I could as well. It was a long tough road, but here I am.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
All of the artist on the KSBJ radio station and on "The Message" (satelite radio station), my mother, my sister, my oldest child (age 14 and totally blind), and my music minister
Shure SM58, audio buddy and an Asus Sound Card and some composing software.
While my favorite spot is my studio my favorite place to be in the presence of the Lord; whether in prayer, praise or at church.