Discord is a hip hop MC/producer from the UK.
I started my music career as a techno DJ playing for different organisations such as Oblivion, North, Species in clubs such as The Que Club-Birmingham, Lakota-Bristol, The Park-Manchester. I write many different kinds of music. I have MC'd at club nights and entered competitions. Also, I have studied Music Technology to an OCN Level 2 and BTEC ND and am currently studying a BA Creative Music Technology.
I have played live at various venues in the past but am not currently playing out regularly.
I take musical influences from all genres which would make it hard to specify individual bands/acts. I have a large musical palette and like all kinds of media/entertainment.
Cubase SX, NI Pro-53, Bass+Accoustic Guitar, Cool Edit Pro, Wavelab, Reaktor, Halion.