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e w (evans and watson)

e w (evans and watson)

.W. is Michael Evans and Ken Watson. A Christian Group from Lincoln, Nebraska. Presenting the Gospel through Hiphop and R&B music with a definite Jazz influence

1 songs
1.6K plays
Picture for song 'Got Jesus?' by artist 'e w (evans and watson)'

Got Jesus?

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?
E.W. is Michael Evans and Ken Watson. A Christian Group from Lincoln, Nebraska. Presenting the Gospel through Hiphop and R&B music with a definite Jazz influence. Our newest album "I am a C" is a hard hitting expositional treatment of Christian Rap/R&B that has the most scripture packed in a album yet somehow manages to come off not sounding 'preachy' Is this a contradiction? We don't think so. You must see (hear) for yourself. "I am a C" 16 tracks. All are colabrative works with clear distinctive styles. Because of the diverse nature of the tunes you're sure to find something you'll love on this album
Band/artist history
Both members of E.W. where part of a Local Hip-hop group called "The Peace Nation" in 1992. Turning out positive music and uplifting the black community in Lincoln, Nebraska. By 1997 They had rededicated their lives to Christ and formed "E.W." a group dedicated to spreading the Gospel through music. Two alblums have come out of the union, "Nebraska Tales (2000)" and "I am a C (2003) both with flavors of Hip-hop, R&B, Techno, and Jazz.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
We don't play any of our musis live as of now. We sing over soundtracks we created. We do plan to put together a band in the future. Right now it's easier for us to travel from place to place with little or none equipment, depending on the venue.
Your musical influences
Hiphop R&B Soul Techno Pop Classical Heavy Metal Alternative Country And the list continues....
What equipment do you use?
(The Old) Vision JV1080 EPS (The New) Acid Pro Fruityloops Reason


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