I'm not going to blow smoke up your nether regions, pretending to be some other person saying how great Jim-n-Lisa are. Originality and high quality productions are important to us. Please judge for yourself. We hope you find something enjoyable.
Hi, I'm Jim. This music is created in my computer based studio. I play electric, acoustic, and bass guitars, keyboards, flute, saxes, Wx7 wind controller, electronic drums, and I've been doing some singing of late. The performance/recording technique is improvisational and mostly recorded in real time, one track at a time by me. Lisa sings and creates most of her own vocal melodies and harmony lines.
Thanks for listening,
- Jim
We haven't played live for many years and have no plans to do so any time soon.
I've been humbled and inspired by many musicians and composers over 30+ years of making music. Alan Parsons, James Taylor, Pat Metheny & Lyle Mays, Miroslav Vitous, Pink Floyd, Supertramp (John Helliwell,)Peter Gabriel, Sting, Branford, Lou Marini, Dick Parry, and so many more that I love dearly, have inspired me.
My list of important equipment includes: Yamaha Wx7 wind controller, DrumKat percussion controller, 2005 Schecter C-1 Elite, 1980 Ibanez Strat copy, Yamaha L25-A Acoustic, G & L electric Bass, Yamaha YAS-62 Alto sax, 1945 Conn "Naked Lady" Tenor sax, 1921 Conn New Wonder C-Melody sax, Gemeinhardt flute, and of course my computer running Sonar and a few soft synths.