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Mike WIse

Mike WIse

I are Mike I write tunes you sing along while drunk. We have fun

2 songs
14 plays
Picture for song 'Confessional Booth' by artist 'Mike WIse'

Confessional Booth

emotional intimate song
Picture for song 'She's Never' by artist 'Mike WIse'

She's Never

This is a song about realizing the truth about someone despite your dreams and intentions
I am interested in producing music that has both lyrics that make you think and the accesibility of a good pop hook.
Band/artist history
I started writing poetry when I was 16 but didn't really try to write songs till bout 10 years later. I was in one band in Denver they were this cheezy metal outfit who went through more singers than SPinal tap went through drummers. They threw me out cuase I wasn't Bruce DIckinson. I write songs in my head and use different collaborators to bring life to those songs
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Not yet but hopefully soon when I get into an actual band
Your musical influences
I am influenced by psychology, relationships, self discovery, books movies and of course the mating ritual of swans. I am also influenced by bands like Counting Crows, Ben Folds Five, Blue October and artists like John Mayer, Joe Jackson, Billy Joel and Charro.
What equipment do you use?
My very power psychic magnetism and a handful of trained hamsters
Anything else?
Yes please send me some Honey Brown beer if you enjoy my tunes. I need this to survive


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