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Raw Power AKA The B E S T

Raw Power AKA The B E S T

Raw Power aka The B.E.S.T. has arivided let me know honestly what u thynk of me and my style

42 songs
273 plays
Picture for song 'Im The B.E.S.T.' by artist 'Raw Power AKA The B E S T'

Im The B.E.S.T.

well i want to b the next big rapper
Picture for song 'Thought Not' by artist 'Raw Power AKA The B E S T'

Thought Not

thys song is a direct attack on some old friends you know who u are
Picture for song 'Whats Real Rap' by artist 'Raw Power AKA The B E S T'

Whats Real Rap

im angery wyth some of the songs that i hear on the radio
Picture for song 'My Chest' by artist 'Raw Power AKA The B E S T'

My Chest

jsut some stuff that i needed to gett off my chest regarding the church dont get me wronge on thys track tho i do belive in god
Picture for song 'Killing them The B.E.S.T.' by artist 'Raw Power AKA The B E S T'

Killing them The B.E.S.T.

well its a meaphorical battle out thur some1 said to me and i was like ok so what do u want me to do so i dyd thys track
well i dont knwo what really to say in thys section but ill start with thys . i love makin music ( like any other artist) and theres stuff that i need to get off my chest or stuff that i feel needs to be said. when i ryte i only write about stuff taht im feeling or went through im not tryin to pretend thatim sumthing tha im not but on the other hand i will do music that other peeps feel too so i kan realate with them or let them know that i look at a story from both sides i d k what to reall say but gyve me a chance and let me knwo what u thynk really of my music
Have you performed in front of an audience?
no not yet styll new in the mucis world tryin what i kan to get out there do i would love to do a show somtyme anywhere
Your musical influences
i was hugely influced by 2Pac when i was a freshman in school the song was Dear Mamma 1st song i ever heard by him and it really touched me and i said i want to do music like that then has music when on i got inspired by Marylin Manson (for his passon in what he was sayin) then l8er on Eminem and his music really got me wanting it more then ever
What equipment do you use?
the only thyng that i use right now is my computer to do all my recording im not an engineer so it does need work but i thynk i do alryte for myself


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