My name are Foffji...
How are you, Good? Thats nice...
I am a retarded Indian from Pakistan, I am liking long walks on beach, being gay to my arranged wife Manjewlah, I am also liking to make the curry (mostly hot Vindaloos and a mean butter chicken) and of course I am liking to creating my own music.
I have myspaceing.com which are www.myspace.com/thefoffmusic
If you are liking that is nice to me you are then i will be that back to you...its very true.
May Vishnu bless and praise your name
Bik'o Churrey Nihad Fhukey
Phenisy Skrotuh'm (my fetus) survived the abortion and the drowning, so we kept him in cage. One day Mik'o Dah Fhuky Fhuker (Big Bollywood producer) came to my house, and while we where drinking curry and listening to gay porn on the tape recordering, Phenisy Skrotuh'm started screaming because i did noting giving him his usuall fish head meal. Mik'o Dah Fhuky Fhuker heard the screams and we wenting down to the basement, walked around the electric fence and the 20 foot wall to get to his cage, as soon as Mik'o Dah Fhuky Fhuker saw Phenisy Skrotuh'm he wanted him to be in Bollywood feature films...and from that day on i goting paid for every single thing Phenisy Skrotuh'm was featured in! I am loving it so very muching....
Yes. Everywhere. Yes,, i am loveing it. Curry.
George Michael, Elton John, Prince, Freddy Mercury, Boy George, David Bowie, Micheal Jackson, Backstreet Boys, Madonna, Cher, Village People, Paveroti Luciano, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears.