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De L'enfer

De L'enfer

Instrumental music of different styles, performed, recordered and mastered by one person

2 songs
377 plays
Picture for song 'Throught the desert' by artist 'De L'enfer'

Throught the desert

One of my first compositions in Arabic style
Music can represent the whole person's world, soul. Some expresses its thoughts, opinions, feelings via words, phrases... I can't describe it within the words. It is indescribable. Some romantic people, writers often told us, that the "soul of an artist lives in its creation". I don't believe in soul. But i believe in art, in music. I believe, that it can awake feelings, create images, change the mood. I can't express my "soul", if there is "soul", using words, but I feel that i can melt something, that bothers me into chords, harmonic tunes, and describe in each particular song what do I feel deep inside... I don't know, what is there..."inside"... But after creating a new track, or even just playing, I feel much better. It helps to live with an eternal smile here, in the L'enfer of the ordinary life... Sounds pathetic? Very likely, indeed... How I hate romantic nonsence... But it seems, I'm also have some percent of this bullshit... Never mind. Free your mind. Close your eyes. Press the play button. And dream... I'll try to show you, how deep the rabbit hole goes... Welcome to my l'enfer...
Band/artist history
Should I start like David Copperfield:- "I was born, I grew up..." ?
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yeah. I'm a keyboard player in a rock-band. Sometimes, I play live on grand piano in the University. As for performing my instrumental songs - yeah, someday...
Your musical influences
Influences? Well, it can be anything - classical etudes of Chopin, gothic rock of "Within Temptation", or spanish guitar solo, some movie, some person - anything...
Anything else?
Sell me your soul, huh?


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