ernst stolz

Padvana de Vreburch
Gepubliceerd op 19 feb. 2017 Onze Padvanes pour le Luth et Violons communs Le Petit Bouquet de Frise Orientale De Louys de Moy, 1631 With Trond Bengtson, lute and me ernst stolz

La bella netta ignuda e bianco mano
La bella netta ignuda e bianco mano by Cipriano da Rore set by Giovanni Bassano (and played by me)

Lasso! Di Donna - Ballata - Francesco Landini
Also available on YouTube, but this version is a little different. portative, bass recorders and tenor vielle ernst stolz (

J.B. de Boismortier - trio in a-minor Op. 23 No.5
This is a live recording form last concert in Grottaferrata (Italy) with Romeo Ciuffa, ernst stolz, Andrea Lattarulo and Alexander Frey. The recording is again not perfect, but it gives an impression.

Pata Pan - Allan Alexander's arrangment
Pata Pan. Christmas music by Allan Alexander with ernst stolz recorder and trond bengtson lute