kev R

45 top 50
259 songs
40.1K plays
Picture for song 'ideas with Ben Preston' by artist 'kev R'

ideas with Ben Preston

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Picture for song 'inherit the earth' by artist 'kev R'

inherit the earth

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Picture for song 'Mixed' by artist 'kev R'
Picture for song 'Felt So Happy' by artist 'kev R'

Felt So Happy

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Picture for song 'UK Packets' by artist 'kev R'
Music production library writer, worked with Universal Publishing UK & France, Boom Music, PHMG and other industry players. Music Production Nominee Award 2019 in association with the PRS
Band/artist history
Lucky break with Universal Publishing -gave me great insight into how the industry works and its values and expectations.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Sometimes colloborate with local musicians, but prefer production and mixing to playing live.
Your musical influences
Minimalism, Jazz, Rock, Trip Hop, Dance, Grunge, Dubstep, Hip Hop, UK Drill...
What equipment do you use?
Pro Tools
Anything else?
I love writing music. If you listen and enjoy what you hear, then I've done my job :-) xx
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