Worlds on Fire

Rock in the vein of Jane's Addiction

3 songs
466 plays
Picture for song 'Acid Reign' by artist 'Worlds on Fire'

Acid Reign

Sabbath/Audioslave-style rock

Alternative General

Picture for song 'Solar Paper Savior' by artist 'Worlds on Fire'

Solar Paper Savior


Alternative General

Picture for song 'Ice Queen (demo)' by artist 'Worlds on Fire'

Ice Queen (demo)

Rock tune

Alternative General

Worlds on Fire is a band formed out of the necessity to write good alternative rock songs with the flair of Jane's Addiction and the stylings of Audioslave, Foo Fighters and Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Band/artist history
We've come from a few successful bands here in the Detroit area and are just looking to create good music.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Not yet. Just in the writing/recording/getting all our crap together stage. But we've two songs we finished in the studio and one demo you can listen to!
Your musical influences
Jane's Addiction, Soundgarden, Audioslave, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, etc.
Anything else?
Life is not a box of chocolates . . . come hear what you're gonna get.


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