Gregory Valentine

Comments 100
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Sep 13, 2022
Thanks to all!!
Mike Prather
Nov 17, 2014
This really sounds good, should be on the radio now!!
Oct 19, 2013
Hi Greg, thought I'd come through again to let you know I have another new one up ;)
Oct 07, 2013
Love the guitar riff on this one Greg. Vocals are beautiful and just roll straight over the music. Keep doing this right here!
Apr 09, 2012
Great song and a great recording. Guitar track and vocal are some of your best work imo. Good stuff Greg!
Feb 28, 2012
Once again Greg, Beautiful writing, love this song very much. Till soon, TJWay
Feb 28, 2012
Song: Happy
In my opinion, She shouldn't feel happy making you feel blue. She should be blessed to have you :) Till next time my good friend, have a wonferful week ahead...Best always, TJWay
Feb 28, 2012
You're songs are beautiful, love them all. Miss hearing from you, I hope you are doing well and that you are happy. Much love and respect, TJWay
Geoffrey Orbegoso
Dec 20, 2011
Nice song and production/arrangement. I like that rhythm guitar sneeking into the chorus.
May 06, 2011
Song: Centered
Hi Greg. This is some of your best work imo. Great lyrics, really good vocals, and just the right grit to make the listener believe every word. 'Glad I stopped by... Mark
Marc Glinert
May 04, 2011
Wow Greg, all I can say is that the competition must be pretty tough over at alt. country. This is terrific. A very powerful and engaging piece, which, despite the sparse instrumentation, is compelling throughout. Warmest regards, Marc
Dec 02, 2010
Hi Greg. Cudos on this track! Tom Petty vibe and Jackson Browne (at his best) melody flow. Really good sounding recording with the drums backing up things.
Nov 22, 2010
Killer song Greg. 'Still the best lyrics on SC!
Dave Fisher
Oct 17, 2010
Hey Greg.... great song. Glad to see you still writing/playing. Excellent listen. Worth the stop by : )
Nov 06, 2009
I don't burn bridges... I blow 'em all... Such a great. I logged back in just to hear it!
Dan Turner
Oct 23, 2009
like your songs alot
Ron Gragg
Sep 29, 2009
Hey Greg, Its a bit of a different sound for you I think (I mean in the recording and application). The writing (lyrical) was deep and penetrating (some of your best IMHO) and the vocals were outstanding! This song sounds like it needs more (i.e. a full band sound) but can stand on its own just as easily. Very emotive, moving and strong. Blessings Ron
Jul 13, 2009
Your songwriting impresses me...I enjoyed this track even if though you stated it's unfinished...Can't wait to hear the finished product when your done with it...It sounded great from what I heard so far. Thank you, TJWay
Jul 13, 2009
Well worth the attempt...You did and excellent job writing this song...Loved it...Thx for sharing it..TJWay P.S. Come check out my latest blogs when you have time.
Jul 13, 2009
5 starzzzzzzzzzzz for you, keep those wonderful songs coming, you're fabulous...Always Ur fan and friend in music, TJWay