Unusual Sources

Unusual Sources is an anti-war radio program that covers issues from a labour perspective. For more information, see About Unusual Sources. http://hamiltonco

3 top 1
297 top 50
479 songs
19.5K plays
Picture for song 'Supporting Tim Hortons' Workers' by artist 'Unusual Sources'

Supporting Tim Hortons' Workers

A detailed interview with Hamilton and District Labour Council President Anthony Marco about labour's support for Tim Hortons' workers, and the community coming together to picket on behalf of their minimum wage increase.

#19 in Politics

Picture for song 'Danger of Nuclear War with Korea' by artist 'Unusual Sources'

Danger of Nuclear War with Korea

Doug interviewed Prof. Michel Chossudovsky in December about his then-upcoming visit to Hamilton to discuss the danger of nuclear war with the DPRK.


Picture for song 'College Faculty Reject Board's poor offer' by artist 'Unusual Sources'

College Faculty Reject Board's poor offer

Doug gets an update on the situation from Kevin Mackay, VP of OPSEU Local 240, and a professor at Mohawk College.


Picture for song 'The 'Saudi' War on Yemen' by artist 'Unusual Sources'

The 'Saudi' War on Yemen

Stephen Gowans issues a corrective about the 'Saudi' assault on Yemen.


Picture for song 'College Faculty Strike to Improve' by artist 'Unusual Sources'

College Faculty Strike to Improve

Doug interviews Kevin Mackay, VP of OPSEU Local 240, and a professor at Mohawk College. They discuss working conditions in Ontario's community colleges and the strike of more than 12,000 professors, instructors, counsellors, and librarians.



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