
Cádiz, Spain
June 20, 2007
6,133 plays
Composer and spanish musician.
Band/artist history
Early years. The first album was released in 2.003 MIRADORES (Perspectives) an eclectic album as several styless. Three year later I released two albums SIETE PIEZAS CHINAS (Seven Chinese pieces) and PLATEROIDEOLOGIIA (Plateroideology). The first combine classical and Asian music, the second classical and Spanish music. In these albums began the tendency for an only concept around the tittle from album. The next year was released ASI EN LA TIERRA... (As in the Earth...) combine classical and electronic music. Consolidation years. El águila robada (Stolen eagle) was the consolidation album. A personal and quality style; combine classical and music from Northumbrian Indian native. ASNOGRAFIA (Donkeygraphy) classical and Spanish music. O ULTIMO TUCUNARE (The last tucunare) classical and Brazilian music CUADERNO DE CAMPO: DE MARISMAS, RIOS Y MARES (Notebook: from marshes, rivers and seas) began a tendency of classical. TRIPARTITO (Tripartite) is a monumental album as three parts but about classical tendencies. LOS CUARTETOS (The quartet) leave the piano music for the strings instruments. The last album, in 2.013 there isn't a version album, but it captures ten years as composer. In 2025, I have published my memoirs. You can to download in website.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Actually there isnt a band for this music.
Your musical influences
Well, I ear all kind of music, good music: jazz, classical, new age, folk, ... Its difficult to give names because the people taken a mistake idea to compare.
What equipment do you use?
For compose: workstation TRITON EXTREME KORG. Its a perfect keyboard in live and studio. I can connect USB port to PC and to create my albums.
Anything else?
I hope to have fans loving in my music, but this is the thing all artist dream.