Hostage Rescue Team

Picture for song 'No Death Row' by artist 'Hostage Rescue Team'

No Death Row

This song doesn't relate much with anything English. It is based on Americans Taxes going towards keeping people alive in Death Row, when they are going to be killed anyway. Our apologises towards people who disagree with this but we're sure the

Alternative General

Picture for song 'Let It Go' by artist 'Hostage Rescue Team'

Let It Go

Just 'Let It Go'.

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Picture for song 'You are the Hunted' by artist 'Hostage Rescue Team'

You are the Hunted

Don't be gettin' yourself in trouble now.

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Picture for song 'Everything I Hate' by artist 'Hostage Rescue Team'

Everything I Hate

The title says it all.

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Picture for song 'The Lunar-tics' by artist 'Hostage Rescue Team'

The Lunar-tics

It's about Lunartics, Duh!!!

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Picture for song 'In A Lifetime' by artist 'Hostage Rescue Team'

In A Lifetime

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Picture for song 'Perfect One' by artist 'Hostage Rescue Team'