sum of the daze

a collection of sonic abuse and quest for tone in the modeling realm.

39 top 50
106 songs
93.8K plays
Picture for song 'Drifting' by artist 'sum of the daze'
Picture for song 'Juno' by artist 'sum of the daze'
Picture for song 'Tonex 4' by artist 'sum of the daze'

Tonex 4

Tonex-16 Modern

#13 in Instrumental Rock

Picture for song 'L2 Blue' by artist 'sum of the daze'
Picture for song 'Tonex 7' by artist 'sum of the daze'

Tonex 7

Testing the Tonex pedal. preset 16 Modern

Instrumental Rock

Hello, I am Tom and this is my collection of sonic abuse. Alot of mudhonkin fizz here.Basically an endless tone test with an Eleven Rack , a 2120 Artist and Addictive Drums. Schector and G&L guitars and an Ibanez 305.
Band/artist history
Local Anesthesia, Crazy Frank, Sum of the Daze , EchoPlex
Have you performed in front of an audience?
some. jax,fl... but not lately.
Your musical influences
Everything Audible
What equipment do you use?
ibanez rg, m audio black box, johnson millinium stereo 150, dell pentium4, EV N/D767a mic, kristal audio engine, alesis sr16, BlackStar HT5 , G&L Rampage, Digitech 2120 , BBE Sonic Maximizer, Morley Wah , VooDoo Lab Sparkle Drive , Reaper DAW , ElevenRack, Schector Banshee, Ibanez 305,Addictive Drums
Anything else?
Rock on , Metal On , Jazz On , Funk On ............................. !


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