Hello, I am Tom and this is my collection of sonic abuse. Alot of mudhonkin fizz here.Basically an endless tone test with an Eleven Rack , a 2120 Artist and Addictive Drums. Schector and G&L guitars and an Ibanez 305.
Local Anesthesia, Crazy Frank, Sum of the Daze , EchoPlex
some. jax,fl... but not lately.
Everything Audible
ibanez rg, m audio black box, johnson millinium stereo 150, dell pentium4, EV N/D767a mic, kristal audio engine, alesis sr16, BlackStar HT5 , G&L Rampage, Digitech 2120 , BBE Sonic Maximizer, Morley Wah , VooDoo Lab Sparkle Drive , Reaper DAW , ElevenRack, Schector Banshee, Ibanez 305,Addictive Drums
Rock on , Metal On , Jazz On , Funk On ............................. !