Rob B (GER)

Robert Baitinger, a songwriter from Germany

1 top 1
14 top 50
257 songs
73.9K plays
Picture for song 'Friendships' by artist 'Rob B (GER)'


#2 in Folk Rock

Picture for song 'It Was All So Nice' by artist 'Rob B (GER)'
Picture for song 'You Know I Love You' by artist 'Rob B (GER)'

You Know I Love You

Pop Rock

Picture for song 'Thinking Of You' by artist 'Rob B (GER)'

Thinking Of You

Pop Rock

Picture for song 'Happy Wife Happy Life' by artist 'Rob B (GER)'

Happy Wife Happy Life


I Cry (feat. Elisa)
For songwriters who dont sing or perform it is extremely hard to make ones mark in the music business because they dont have a platform to present and promote their work. This is more or less the situation that I, Robert Baitinger, a songwriter from Germany, have been confronted with since I started writing songs in 1978. My idea is to complement my songwriting capabilities with the "helping hands" of excellent artists, musicians and innovative producers. In the age of the internet it has become easier to communicate and collaborate with musicians and producers all over the world. I am utilizing the internet and pursuing the idea of a conceptual studio band with a frequently changing lineup of artists. I call this project the "Rob B. Project" since I supply the melodies and/or lyrics of a song and other musicians/producers/songwriters contribute their talents and skills to make it come to life.
Band/artist history
The "Rob B. Project" started when I met my pop/rock idol Andrew Gold in L.A. in 2004 and we recorded and produced a song I had written in 1987 called "Did You Get What You Want". For me the encounter was a dream come true, once in a lifetime experience and the events that followed were not foreseeable and very motivating. Since then I've been collaborating with many music talents from all over the world, hoping that someday soon my songs will get played on radio stations more often than in the past. What started as the realization of a lifetime dream for me has evolved to become serious business. For example in 2014 one of my songs was used to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest. Check out my Soundclick page to see and hear what I've been up to these past couple of years.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
No. I just record in the studio. My most memorable moments were when I worked together with Andrew Gold in QBrain Studios in L.A. and when Elisa performed one of my songs live in the sold-out Seidensticker Halle in Bielefeld.
Your musical influences
I have been writing songs for most of my life and my tracks are very diverse in style. I was mostly influenced by the music I grew up with: Andrew Gold, Hall & Oates, Queen, The Eagles, Christopher Cross, ELO, Alan Parsons Project, just to name a few.
What equipment do you use?
Yamaha Genos 2, Logic X, Duet by Apogee, AKG Perception 420, Native Instruments and EZKeys.
Anything else?
I hope you like my songs and if you're looking for a songwriter, lyricist or producer, don't hesitate to contact me.

Rob B (GER)

Cape Coral, Florida  Germany

Pop Pop Rock

id: 701955


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