Rusty Gill

Songwriter-Original Songs -Rusty Gill

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32 songs
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Picture for song 'THE FUTURE-Rusty Gill and FREIGHT.mp3' by artist 'Rusty Gill'

THE FUTURE-Rusty Gill and FREIGHT.mp3

Rock General

Picture for song '' MORNING STAR '' by artist 'Rusty Gill'


I would consider this a rock ballad. RG

Rock General

Picture for song 'GYPSEY HIGH' by artist 'Rusty Gill'


Straight 4-Track Rocker

Rock General

Picture for song 'I SEE THE LIGHT' by artist 'Rusty Gill'


Kind of Rock with a Country Rock Feel

Rock General

Picture for song 'ONE LONELY TEAR FOR THE CHILD' by artist 'Rusty Gill'


This is song about how I feel the state of the world is. Played with a Rock Style vamp.

Rock General

Let me introduce myself. My name is Rusty Gill(NO NOT THE OTHER ONE!). I have been into the music scene since I was 4 years old. Well, I only danced and sang then but I did debut in a theater. Wow!! I picked up my first guitar after hearing Tommy Bolin(local hero) play "Walk Don't Run" with his first band. Yes, I was really there. 13 years old and I could hear the Big-Time calling. 15 bands and a whole lotta years later I'm left with no wives but a bunch of tunes I've written over the years. These are all pre-master demos that were really not for release but what the hell!! Right.
Band/artist history
As a songwriter I can honestly say that I was born to do this thing we call music. I am proud to say that every recording I made with every band I was in was an original song. From the first record on IGL Records to the home studio recordings, everything was and will continue to be original songs. Does anyone remember vinyl?. 1967:THE RESTRICTIONS: DOWN ON THE CORNER/SHE'S GONE AWAY(IGL RECORDS-OKOBOJI MUSIC PUB.) 1968:THE LAST CHAPTER; IT'S ONLY WHEN I'M LONELY/WORDS FOR YOU (SKIP RECORDS-DON SEARS PUB.) 1970:THE LAST CHAPTER; SMILE/HOW LONG WILL IT BE/THE BEAUTY OF LOVE (ERIC RECORDS-SKYLARK MUSIC PUB.) 1980:RUSTY GILL-PROJECT X; I'M JUST A FOOL(WHO KEEPS PLAYIN THAT ROCKNROLL) + 9 Others.ZENO RECORDS This list goes on but I think you should listen to the songs.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Because of my ongoing health problems I can not perform live at this time(Does anyone have a spare heart). THE ROAD IS LONG.
Your musical influences
I have to honestly say that George Martin is the single most important influence to me. Of course John and Paul figure high on the list. I'm really glad to be able to finally put this into words. The secret that I've learned from this trio of greats is this. "Why take 10 minutes to say what you can say in 3." That is all.
What equipment do you use?
Whatever is handy.
Anything else?
PLEASE!!!!!!!!! use headphones to listen
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