Grammatron cleric

Meshuggah ripoff track idea tuned to "double" drob B. Early wip, so not exactly polished

Necro as Fuck

Fredman Test

This is Sparta
Pretty much a mix test of my EHV 5150 III mic'd up with 2 Sm57s i.e Fredman technique

Re-recorded the most creative riff I ever came up with my Line 6 Hxstomp. It's in drop D (on an 8 string) in case anyone is wondering

Chamber Of Perpetual Torture Update 3

Tone Test

Chamber of Perpetual Torment

Seppuku rough clip vbr

Seppuku rough clip

Aeon new strings
Put new strings on, decided to record the ending of AEon with them alot slower and tuned a half step lower.
