Steve Domer has performed live across the US for over 40 years. He has won past songwriting awards in the American Song Festival in the late 1970's.
Currently records and produces original songs and performs live periodically as an acoustic guitar and vocals solo.
Played in several rock bands throughout the years.
Started off as part of the late 60's/70's rock scene in North Eastern Ohio area.
Later moved to California and now Arizona.
Have performed as a solo for the past 30 years.
Byrds, Dylan, Beatles, Eagles, Tom Petty, Garth Brooks
Ovation 1767 Legend, Rickenbacker 360 12, Takamine EGSF15C Sante Fe,
Ovation Applause ... for live solo work. w/ Digitech Live Vocalist II
Gibson SG, Fender Stratocaster, Rickenbacker 360 12 --- electrics for recording
Takamine EGSF15C, Ovation 1767 Legend, Epiphone Hummingbird .. acoustic for recording