Jungle Monsta

Hipopular Drum 'N' Bass Blue in the Face for the whole Human Race Checking the Doppler for the Storm that is Jungle Monsta. Drum 'N' Bass, Rock, Breakbeat.

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30 songs
34.0K plays
Picture for song 'Spy Theme Version 2' by artist 'Jungle Monsta'

Spy Theme Version 2

2nd version of my "Spy Theme." Still not quite big band, but it's the only place I think it fits.

#29 in Swing 120 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Spy Theme' by artist 'Jungle Monsta'

Spy Theme

A little spy theme with a bit of an classic 60's vibe. Not really swing, except for the drums but there was no other genre to put it in.

Swing 120 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Third World Leader' by artist 'Jungle Monsta'

Third World Leader

Trippy dub reggae tune about authoritarian leaders

#3 in Dub 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'Tenkan Theme Part 1' by artist 'Jungle Monsta'

Tenkan Theme Part 1

Part of Tenkan Theme.

Drum n Bass

Picture for song 'Tenkan Theme Part 2' by artist 'Jungle Monsta'

Tenkan Theme Part 2

2nd part of a long DnB tune.

Drum n Bass

A combination of electronica, progressive, world music, and rock influences. Trying a mashup of styles to see what can be created. Really, with Dave and I (and brother Ed occasionally) the strict adherence to electronica has gone completely off the rails.
Band/artist history
This music production started out as Mband a number years ago. After a couple years a number of other "Mband s" came out on the internet, so the name was changed to Ezy Axis in 2016 in honor of the original Easy Access band circa 1987. But I've since noticed that name was taken last year by a sporting goods company so now I've changed the name again to the name of one of my earlier songs, Jungle Monsta. The project is concerned with experiments in the electronica areas to see if some interesting mashups can be thought up to produce some new styles. Lofty goals, we'll see if they are achievable. The project has a main member (Jim) and some occasional contributors for samples, studio work, etc.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
We did, but not recently. Our most memorable gig was way back in 1983 or so where played an orginal punk/new wave band at the Lit Club in Hartford CT. The name of the band at the time was AKM.
Your musical influences
Jazz, Blues, Drum & Bass, Trance, Funk, Rock, Hip Hop, Reggae, Dub.
What equipment do you use?
Gibson SG, Fender Blues Junior, Reason , Kinetic, Recycle, Rebirth, CubeBase LE, Fender Squire Telecaster, Charvel Jackson, Dean Bass, R Molnar Custom Mr Sparkle Pedal, Classic Guitar Pedals, Fender Bassman head, Ibanez bass cab, Acoustic Bass Amp, Korg microkorg, Traktor 3, Behringer BCD 3000, Dynamic Mics: Shure SM-57, 58, Condensor Mics: MXL v67G, Studio Project C1. Ribbon Mics: Nady RSM-3, RSM-2, Preamps: Art Tube MP, Studio Projects VTB 1. Compressor: Presonus comp16. EMU 0202 interface. Used Korg d1200mkII on earlier recordings.
Anything else?
Check out some remixes here: MBand at CCMixter also lots of good cc remixes by lots of artists such as J. Lang, tkdsky, shagrugge, plurgid.


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