Sthlm Lightning Project

Sthlm Lightning Project are electronic, experimental and instrumental synthpop from outer space.

33 songs
3.6K plays
Picture for song 'Time Stod Still for a While' by artist 'Sthlm Lightning Project'

Time Stod Still for a While

We start the third album with a timestop. ;)

Experimental Sounds

Picture for song 'Moulder and Scully Will Expose You' by artist 'Sthlm Lightning Project'

Moulder and Scully Will Expose You

A tribute to The X Files, the best TV series ever made.

Experimental Sounds

Picture for song 'Mona Lisa Crashlanded on the Moon' by artist 'Sthlm Lightning Project'

Mona Lisa Crashlanded on the Moon

The real Lona Lisa is hidden on the dark side of the moon.

Experimental Sounds

Picture for song 'Rambaldis Revelation' by artist 'Sthlm Lightning Project'

Rambaldis Revelation

Milo Rambaldi was an Italian renaissance prophet and inventor.

Experimental Sounds

Picture for song 'Zombiefied But Still Awake' by artist 'Sthlm Lightning Project'

Zombiefied But Still Awake

A tribute to Fabio Frizzi.

Experimental Sounds

An electronic/experimantal synth pop band from Stockholm (sthlm) in Sweden.
Band/artist history
The band was started in august 27, 2006 by Tom Rammoz & Mat Eroz. The band ended in 2013 because Mat Eroz crashlanded on an astroid in deep space and have been missing since then. If Eroz ever return so may this band, but until then SLP is over. 1. Sthlm Lightning (CD #1) was released in march 2007. 2. E.T. Power (CD #2) was released in june 12, 2010. 3. Exposed by the Revelation (CD #3) was completed in 2013 and released in august 9, 2014.
Your musical influences
Our influences is the 80's electronic synth pop and we enjoy to experiment and record all our songs in one take without any changes.
What equipment do you use?
21 fingers, 4 hands, 2 brains, 2 micro KORG synthesizers, Poly 80, 1 M-Audio MIDI keystation with Absynth 3.0, pre-programmed drums with FL Studio, some SFX samples and ACID for recording and yes, a damn good super computer inside our UFO, that's all.
Anything else?
Eroz-Rammoz will get you wherever you are!


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