Mark Adamczyk Group
crossing the shoreline
something I started playing out live this month (August). If it suggests something to you other that splashy waves, that's fine. Don't look at the picture--just a suggestion.
our dance
driving home by sevens
upbeat instrumental, suitable for listening to while driving. I tried it while weeding the garden, definitely a car song!
Some pieces put specific images into my head. This is not one of those pieces. If you get a specific image, I'd love to hear about it. :-)
arabian coffee from the nutcracker
It's friday jamin A
Just the band (me) thrashing out a groove. Key of A for those of you who want to sing along.
live at summit cafe 9-19-08
This is the song's debut, first time played out. Thought it went pretty well, so here it is. Any ideas for a title?
the Lincolnshire ePoacher
Oh, 'tis my delight on a shiny night in the season of the year. (from the original)
live jam at Bills Blues Bar 9-15-08
Sort of heavy for me, but some days are just like that, you know?
ballad of see you again
a melody all dressed in gray 'cause rain, away, will seldom stay. We hope this music paints the hues to keep grays from becoming blues.