Gutta-C aka One1tima
Jul 30, 2007
Hi, I`m a Rapper & make a mixtape. I like your Style, your Beatz are very TIGHT! Please contact me at (
I pay also for Beatz, Peace!
mic levy
Jul 03, 2007
keep it up man!
holla back
Hello GREAT JOB!!!!!!well done for your nice work keep it up!!!!!!! ...... I am graphic designer illustration and any digital do you need a professional work on Logo, Cartoon,Business Card,Canvas,Banner and So on DM me are you interested in getting any of this cartooned ......Pictures ......Self Portrait art(toon) ......Cartoon Portrait ......Flyers ......Business card ......Mixtape covers ......Logos ......Canvas ......Banner ......Album Cover and many more at an affordable price also DM me to Revamp your old logo All in cheap and good rate regards Kannis DE Animator contact Me... Whatsapp..... +1-(971) 7778069 Instagram.... kannisdeanimator Email......