It's jus' me or not
Sep 05, 2012
Thanks for the nice comment you posted in my cover of this song. I apologize for not responding sooner. Some of these songs have been posted for a long time and I kind of neglect them.
And to answer your question: Yes, I played everything on this one. Gotta love midi, right?
I listened to some of your songs. It sounds like we have similar taste and talents. (and age!)
sam mcdonald
Jul 19, 2010
Love this song and you've done it proud!
Payden Cash
May 31, 2010
Nice job on a tune that ain't all that easy to deliver. Good stuff, m'friend. :D
Payden Cash
May 30, 2010
Sure do like the way ya did this, m'friend.
Apr 28, 2010
"Stars on the Mantel"... Un (sniff sniff) believable Dan! I am so moved by your song.... and so proud to be your sister.. :)
John (UK)
Mar 23, 2010
Song: Stars on the Mantel
Lovely harmonies Danley, vocals are great and I was enjoying your lyrics too but they got cut short!
Soundclick does that to mine too sometimes.
Gordon Larson
Oct 25, 2009
Song: Stars on the Mantel
Great song writing. Nice lyrics and vocals. The harmonies are outstanding.
Great job on the guitars too.
andrew wood
May 08, 2009
you done a good job on this one, a very hard song to sing. Brilliant
andrew wood
May 08, 2009
Song: My Little Ballerina
Lovely song the words are so touching and sung with much emotion another brilliant job
andrew wood
May 08, 2009
Song: For Tyler
Just beautiful. So sorry for your loss my friend. I can relate to this so I know what your'e going through. Beautiful words, beautiful arrangement and beautifully sung.
Jan 22, 2009
Song: Winter Sleigh Song
THAT! Was fabulous! Thank you so much for sharing. Excellent production. Beautiful vocals. Loved it!
Nov 26, 2008
Song: My Little Ballerina
Hello Danley
When John sent me this to listen to, I too was very misty eyed listening to it.
My middle daughter, who is now 28 and a dance teacher, and my youngest daughter, 11, both have been dancing ballet since 3 or 4 years old, and this just brings all those memories of them when they were little, practising their steps, to mind. And still my youngest daughter is doing exactly that, dancing round the room practising for their next show. One is still pretending to be a ballerina and one who actually fullfilled her dream.
A beautiful song, thank you for sharing it.
John (UK)
Oct 24, 2008
Song: My Little Ballerina
Hello Danley,
What a beautiful song, I would have loved to have been in your shoes for that dance, I get choked up just thinking about it. The lyrics painted a wonderful picture for me, a masterpiece. Thank you for leaving the comments about my music which brought me here to listen to you. I listened 4 times then emailed my girlfriend (Yvie), she really liked it and added it to her station too!
Riff Sloe
Oct 01, 2008
Song: Castles in the Sky
Danley, haven't had a chance to really listen to your songs till now. Your writing is really good. I like this one. You are a natural folk writer. Your high notes are really strong and of good quality.
Riff Sloe
Oct 01, 2008
Song: My Little Ballerina
Hey Danley, this is a beautiful song. I have a hard time writing, it just doesn't flow out of me. This is really good!
Riff Sloe
Sep 29, 2008
Excellent work! Keep it up.....
Riff Sloe
Sep 29, 2008
Danley, just uploaded "Wasted On The Way". I would love to take credit for the harmonies, but fortunately I have friends who can make me sound good. I will usually do my own if only two part harmonies are required, but I start to lose it when three or more are required. I'm glad that you like Southern Cross and thanks for the kind words......
Riff Sloe
Sep 28, 2008
Danley, you've been a busy guy! Love the Cat Stevens! Have a listen to my "Southern Cross".
Good jamms!