Chuck Shepherd

Red Sunrise of Peace
A peaceful distraction from the stress of everyday life. The color red is usually associated with violence and I wanted to express the color through music, focusing on the peaceful side of a beautiful color.

Children of Light
Digitally enhanced version by Section 17 Records to be released on ITunes in late July

Many Moons Ago
A peaceful instrumental song in honor of Native Americans. Artwork by Donald W. Larson.

Peace (S.O.S.) it too late? Embedded with a Morse Code message...I call it 'Theatrical Electronica'

Baby in Arms (Taylor's Song)
In Loving Memory Of Taylor Mackenzie Canary. January 10, 1999 August 13, 2000. You are in our hearts forever. Please take a moment to read the story behind the song.

Pain in the PDA
Just goofing around with a sequencing program on my PDA using all internal sounds in the program.

Curse of The Horsehead Nebula
Another song done entirely on the PDA. This one has an Egyptian type influence.