Chuck Shepherd

Instrumental Music from Acoustic to Electronic

4 top 1
5 top 50
10 songs
64.9K plays
Picture for song 'Red Sunrise of Peace' by artist 'Chuck Shepherd'

Red Sunrise of Peace

A peaceful distraction from the stress of everyday life. The color red is usually associated with violence and I wanted to express the color through music, focusing on the peaceful side of a beautiful color.


Picture for song 'Children of Light' by artist 'Chuck Shepherd'

Children of Light

Digitally enhanced version by Section 17 Records to be released on ITunes in late July


Picture for song 'Many Moons Ago' by artist 'Chuck Shepherd'

Many Moons Ago

A peaceful instrumental song in honor of Native Americans. Artwork by Donald W. Larson.

Instrumental Rock

Picture for song 'QSO' by artist 'Chuck Shepherd'


Quasi-Stellar Object. A Kozmik Jam Session with Guitar & Electronica.

Progressive Rock

Picture for song 'Neon Skye' by artist 'Chuck Shepherd'

Neon Skye

Instrumental groove under a Neon Skye

Instrumental Rock


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