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EN DarkLight

EN DarkLight

Instrumental guitar band

1 songs
4 plays
Picture for song 'Rayne Song' by artist 'EN DarkLight'

Rayne Song

A love song for my girlfriend.
Welcome to that which is called EN...
Band/artist history
I started playing guitar in February of 2004. I kind of had a natural affinity to those strings. Before that I had taken music in school so I knew my way around music quite well. I had played alto saxaphone before. I had also screwed around with other instruments so I can play a little of everything. But mostly I play guitar. I keep playing, for many hours every day. I long to be the greatest guitarist of all time.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I've played live once, it was only one song. Someone got the band playing to let me play a song with them on stage. It was only a local band. Nothing too big. I learned Cocain on the spot and that's what we played. That is my special moment. Though it was all that big or anything, It was the greatest feeling in my entire life
Your musical influences
Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Dragonforce, Gary Hoey, Gary Moore, Randy Rhoads
What equipment do you use?
Marshall MG 15 CDR, '87 Ibanez S Series, '83 Kramer Focus 3000, Digitec RP80 (yeah, nothing too big, but I dont do live shows so it all serves its purposes)

EN DarkLight

Springfield, LA  USA

Instrumentals Rock

id: 636222


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