I work 7 days a week for several month's now. In order to buy equipment's and programs and pay bills. And some bills going to be paid this year. And as old computers broke down. New needed to be bought and so new music programmes. I do have everything now.
I met my partner with 18 and he had all the rock LP's and listened a lot to his music. I learned to love Pavlovs Dog and have now all three LP's. I use to dance to ZZTop and B52. I was the best on the dance floor when young. But 10 years younger I knew I could sing opera and with 26 I started to learn singing with an opera teacher. But the best way for me to expand and train my voice, was to copy musical songs. Here in London I went to amateur opera and musical groups. Later in 2003 I had written 4 CD's on the computer. It was a time where I tried out different genres. The question was first of all what can I do. People like my Chillout sounds of shower CD. But I will not concentrate on this music. I love the operatic first 2 CD's, which are crossovers, similar to Sahra Brightmans music.
In amateur opera groups yes. Otherwise no, I am a internet musician.
Musicals and rock music.
I am currently writing and recording new songs. And I listen to people who can help and know more.