Guitar improvisation Jazz Fusion over the built-in rhythm provided by a cheap Casio keyboard. Recorded 2008.

3 top 50
14 songs
1.4K plays
Picture for song 'posturing' by artist 'O'MALLEY'S FREED WILLY'


One man, a cheap Casio keyboard, and an old Teisco Guitar record one long live session with guitar playing live changes to the keyboards auto accompaniment.

Jazz Fusion

Picture for song 'What You Were Thinking' by artist 'O'MALLEY'S FREED WILLY'

What You Were Thinking

One man, a cheap Casio keyboard, and an old Teisco Guitar record one long live session with guitar playing live changes to the keyboards auto accompaniment.

Jazz Fusion

Picture for song 'On My Own' by artist 'O'MALLEY'S FREED WILLY'

On My Own

One man, a cheap Casio keyboard, and an old Teisco Guitar record one long live session with guitar playing live changes to the keyboards auto accompaniment.

Rock General

Picture for song 'After Dinner Drink' by artist 'O'MALLEY'S FREED WILLY'

After Dinner Drink

One man, a cheap Casio keyboard, and an old Teisco Guitar record one long live session with guitar playing live changes to the keyboards auto accompaniment.

Instrumental Rock

Picture for song 'Hopscotch' by artist 'O'MALLEY'S FREED WILLY'


One man, a cheap Casio keyboard, and an old Teisco Guitar record one long live session with guitar playing live changes to the keyboards auto accompaniment.

Jazz Fusion


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