Mad Dog Solo

The Colorado harmonica legend known only as the Mad Dog has been playing solo and in bands for over 35 years. Renown for his raucous leads, funky rhythms, and

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23 songs
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Picture for song 'Shining Through 2007 - Studio Version' by artist 'Mad Dog Solo'

Shining Through 2007 - Studio Version

A simple county blues love song with Mad Dog on harmonica & vocals and Felonius on guitar. Patterned after an arrangement by Jonathan Fuller & Mad Dog known as King Comfort.

Country Blues

Picture for song 'Amusement Park Accident' by artist 'Mad Dog Solo'

Amusement Park Accident

Live Theremin Compostiion


Picture for song 'Touched' by artist 'Mad Dog Solo'


Live Theremin Composition


Picture for song 'Every Morning' by artist 'Mad Dog Solo'

Every Morning

Solo blues harmonica song by Mad Dog about not being able to get enough of your loving.

Country Blues

Picture for song 'Morning Thunder' by artist 'Mad Dog Solo'

Morning Thunder

Blues Harmonica Instrumental Song by Mad Dog

Country Blues

The Colorado harmonica legend known only as the Mad Dog has been playing solo and in bands for over 35 years. Renown for his raucous leads, funky rhythms, and raw and soulful blues, Mad Dog continues to expand his stylistic repertoire with his new CD, Harmonica: So Low ( and with his band Harmonica Loowinski (
Band/artist history
I am not really a band. Just a musican & poet writing, recording & releasing my own work.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I am totally into playing live. That is why it took 35 years before I did a studio CD. I have to admit, I love the studio now, too. I am really pleased with how this project came out. Songs range from ones that will make you cry to ones that will make you laugh. I pulled off some shit on harp I am not sure I could do again & some tricks on the production end that are best described as beautiful accidents. "Landing" is unique cut in that it uses harmonicas with electronic manipulation to produce a trance-like state in the listener while "White Lightening"is a pure acoustic back porch harmonica blues holler with an open your heart message. The last track, "Harmonica Cadillac," is my favorite, at least to perform, and features the harmonica imitating the rhythm of an old cadillac sputtering down the highway.
Your musical influences
I first heard Jack Bruce playing Train Time on the Cream's Wheels of Fire album when I was 14. When I realized it was a harmonica he was playing, I was hooked. My teenage trail of musical discovery then let through John Mayall to Son Boy Williamson. Once had I discovered the real blues, I was home. I breakfasted on Lightening Hopkins & Bukka White, lunched on B. B. King & Muddy Waters and dined on Willie Dixon & Jimmy Rogers. Now I am just fat with the blues.
What equipment do you use?
Fender amps with tubes & 10" speakers. All kinds of harps but I am really loving the new Marine Band Deluxes. For mics, my Hohner Blues Buster rocks but I still like my old green bullet and have a couple Shakers.
Anything else?
Full length previews of all of my tunes are available at my website (


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