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nino turenum

nino turenum
Picture for song 'Mondo tecnologico (Technological world)' by artist 'nino turenum'

Mondo tecnologico (Technological world)

We are prisoners of a technological world. Translation into English by Thomas Fabiano-----PLEASE SEND ME A COMMENT-
Picture for song 'MESSAGGIO (MESSAGE)' by artist 'nino turenum'


Lyrics and Music:Antonio Tritta #1 in POP --#1 in Euro-Pop Translation into English:Thomas Fabiano. Now you must think it over,you must leave the mooing herd.Now there's no time to wait..PLEASE SEND ME A COMMENT-
Picture for song 'Sporting club by Antonio Tritta-Sings Nino Turenum' by artist 'nino turenum'

Sporting club by Antonio Tritta-Sings Nino Turenum

This song is the satirical description of a certain easy life of people that live in the lap of luxury. AUTHOR:Antonio Tritta-Traslation into English: Thomas Fabiano--PLEASE SEND ME A COMMENT-
Picture for song 'Adesso e' tardi sto con Elisa/Now it's late..' by artist 'nino turenum'

Adesso e' tardi sto con Elisa/Now it's late..

It's late for you,now I love ELISA!!! Translation into English by Thomas Fabiano - PLEASE SEND ME A COMMENT.
Picture for song 'Sulla spiaggia stamattina - Olee Tango!!!' by artist 'nino turenum'

Sulla spiaggia stamattina - Olee Tango!!!

The polluted sea,deposits one dead mouse on the beach among the fright of bad girls. Lyrics:Dom.di Palo Music:A.Tritta
Picture for song 'Donna nello spazio e nel tempo(Woman in the space.' by artist 'nino turenum'

Donna nello spazio e nel tempo(Woman in the space.

.OH!Woman! I see you in the space and in any time fine,sweet,desired by me who loves you. #1 in Wrold #1 World-fusion. Translation into English-Thomas Fabiano-PLEASE SEND ME A COMMENT
Picture for song 'donna illuminata (Enlaghtned woman)' by artist 'nino turenum'

donna illuminata (Enlaghtned woman)

woman!Once you are unhappy and bad person. Now you talk of the peace and love. GOD!enlightened you. Translatiob into English by Thomas Fabiano
Picture for song 'Il Postino (The postman)' by artist 'nino turenum'

Il Postino (The postman)

The postman speaks ironically about people's bad habits and manias . Translation into English by Thomas Fabiano PLEASE SEND ME A COMMENT.
Picture for song 'Poco gentile (Not so kind)' by artist 'nino turenum'

Poco gentile (Not so kind)

Dante Alighieri said about his woman:'she's so kind and honest....' This song says about one woman:'she's very very bad'. Lyrics:Dom.di Palo Music:Antonio Tritta Translation into English by Thomas Fabiano
Picture for song '24 versi per un'amica che parte(24 lines for....' by artist 'nino turenum'

24 versi per un'amica che parte(24 lines for....

24 lines for the girl- friend. Lyrics:Dom.di Palo Music:A.Tritta
Picture for song 'Alla birra!! (BEER!!)' by artist 'nino turenum'

Alla birra!! (BEER!!)

I love the beer that makes me dream and forget the problems. Lyrics:Dom.di Palo Music:A.Tritta Translation into English:Thomas Fabiano PLEASE SEND ME A COMMENT
Picture for song 'Null'altro so che piu' non mi consumi(There's...)' by artist 'nino turenum'

Null'altro so che piu' non mi consumi(There's...)

There's nothing that interest me less than you. Lyrics: Dom.di Palo Music: Antonio Tritta Traslation into English:Thomas Fabiano PLEASE SEND ME A COMMENT
Picture for song 'Se cadesse il sole(If the sun falls)' by artist 'nino turenum'

Se cadesse il sole(If the sun falls)

If the sun falls into the sea it is improbable on the contrary if you leave me it is the end of the world!!! Translation into English by Thomas Fabiano PLEASE SEND ME A COMMENT-
Picture for song 'Il male oscuro(A strange ilness)' by artist 'nino turenum'

Il male oscuro(A strange ilness)

When the depression arrives in my soul,I am prisoner of despair.But in the end the light comes and I recover my health. Translation into English by thomas Fabiano -PLEASE SEND ME A COMMENT.
Picture for song 'Lambada triste (Sad lambada)' by artist 'nino turenum'

Lambada triste (Sad lambada)

Sad lambada for my youth that goes away day by day. Translation into English by Thomas Fabiano- PLEASE SEND ME A COMMENT.
Picture for song 'La ballate de Sande Necaule(San Nicola la ballata)' by artist 'nino turenum'

La ballate de Sande Necaule(San Nicola la ballata)

Picture for song 'COSI' (SO)' by artist 'nino turenum'


So she says and invites me to love. I'm proud on her,even if she is not Beatrice! Lyrics:Dom.di Palo Music:A:Tritta; Translation into English:Thomas Fabiano- PLEASE SEND ME A COMMENT.
Picture for song '05 Lambada triste - DIALETIC PUGLIA -' by artist 'nino turenum'

05 Lambada triste - DIALETIC PUGLIA -

Picture for song '06 La memma maje (mia Madre ) Dialetic Puglia' by artist 'nino turenum'

06 La memma maje (mia Madre ) Dialetic Puglia

Picture for song 'Morire a La Paz (To die in La Paz)' by artist 'nino turenum'

Morire a La Paz (To die in La Paz)

This song is dedicated to my friend Nicholas who to get drug at low cost,went to Bolivia and there he met death.Lyrics and music:Antonio Tritta,translation into English by Thomas Fabiano.
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