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Sweet Rapture

Sweet Rapture

A young talented duo who write and perform their own songs.

1 songs
14 plays
Picture for song 'Lust to Hate' by artist 'Sweet Rapture'

Lust to Hate

The title says it all. We have all had relationships that start off as 'love' and when it goes sour can turn to 'hate' as we try to end it
Staci and Ian formed Sweet Rapture whilst still in High School. Still both only 17 they have started to write their own songs. Staci and Ian have very different music preferences and these show through in the songs that they write. Confident performers who love performing live at every opportunity. Staci also writes and performs solo material. Check out their music at: www.myspace.com/sweetrapture1 www.myspace.com/stacimurphy www.stacimurphy.com
Have you performed in front of an audience?
We do play live at every opportunity. Staci has also recently started to do solo gigs. Gig details can be found on the my space sites.
Your musical influences
Most of the stuff that we write has an acoustic base and when we perform live we like acoustic versions of our songs. However, we have also recorded the songs with drums and base added. We feel that both versions work well. Our songs are acoustic and some have a country influence.
What equipment do you use?
To be added later
Anything else?
We just love music. Staci started singing lessons when she was just 5 years old and has not stopped singing since!! We have just started writing our songs and feel that we are getting better with every song we write. It would be great to collaborate with an experienced song writer as we have so much to learn


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