Rock Tenor Ignacio Gomez Urra

.: 23 Records Entertainment Group invites you to know the passion, life and work of the Chilean artist, who since his childhood to nowadays has sung nonprofit f

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31 songs
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Picture for song 'EL RELOJ (Bolero Homenaje a Lucho Gatica)' by artist 'Rock Tenor Ignacio Gomez Urra'

EL RELOJ (Bolero Homenaje a Lucho Gatica)

Homenaje a Lucho Gatica

#5 in Opera

Picture for song 'Besame Mucho (Live feat Concertmaster Larisa Saraf' by artist 'Rock Tenor Ignacio Gomez Urra'

Besame Mucho (Live feat Concertmaster Larisa Saraf

Performance of the Latin American singer Rock Tenor Ignacio Gomez Urra & The Concertmaster Larisa Saraf at the closing ceremony at the medical conference for oncologists and chemotherapists.


Picture for song 'O Sole Mio (Live feat Concertmaster Larisa Saraf)' by artist 'Rock Tenor Ignacio Gomez Urra'

O Sole Mio (Live feat Concertmaster Larisa Saraf)

Performance of the Latin American singer Rock Tenor Ignacio Gomez Urra & The Concertmaster Larisa Saraf at the closing ceremony at the medical conference for oncologists and chemotherapists.


Picture for song 'SANTA LUCIA (Live feat Concertmaster Larisa Saraf)' by artist 'Rock Tenor Ignacio Gomez Urra'

SANTA LUCIA (Live feat Concertmaster Larisa Saraf)

Performance of the Latin American singer Rock Tenor Ignacio Gomez Urra & The Concertmaster Larisa Saraf at the closing ceremony at the medical conference for oncologists and chemotherapists.


Picture for song 'HISTORIA DE UN AMOR (Live feat Concertmaster Laris' by artist 'Rock Tenor Ignacio Gomez Urra'

HISTORIA DE UN AMOR (Live feat Concertmaster Laris

Performance of the Latin American singer Rock Tenor Ignacio Gomez Urra & The Concertmaster Larisa Saraf at the closing ceremony at the medical conference for oncologists and chemotherapists.


TENOR IGNACIO GOMEZ ENGLISH BIOGRAPHY Ignacio Gomez was born on December 22, 1984, Is a Young Chilean tenor who like share His Music CDs for free with his listeners to reach with their art and their message of love, Christianity and social reconciliation in faraway places where he can not reach, Ignacio comprises a very large voice recording of approximately 3 octaves of piano which makes it very special and makes it one of the voices with more vocal register in the whole world. Ignacio began to sing since he was 4 years old, and from an early age showed a caring personality and linked to art and spirituality, but his passion for music and piano since childhood were notorious, since throughout his childhood had a childhood surrounded by musical influences as Walfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven but what it always was passionately was singing, so for that reason he entry into the choir school where he earned miraculous in his early knowledge of vocal technique learning the impost head between 1995 and 1996 which ultimately led to be the soloist in the choir when he was 10 years, later in the year 1998, Ignacio began practicing Piano for 4 hours daily for a period of 2 years, achieving interpret piano repertoire Classic popular as Beethven of Fuer Elise, the Turkish Mozart and the pergola of roses, then to spend the years he entered high school where he learned music with the Great Maestro Enrique Veiga (Large Magellan Guitarist, which at its best achievement being the third best classical guitarist of Chile), then from 2004 until 2007 his teacher was the Opera Singer The Older Dramatic Tenor Luis Oyarzún who has a Very Good vocal technical because his teacher was Leandro Lan Lombardini who was student of Carlos Santalices who was a student of the famous Italian Star Beniamino Gigli In Italy, who was Considered The Successor of The Great Enrico Caruso. Ignacio Along With notoriously improve his method of breathing with the teacher Oyarzún, succeeds in translating Several Music Cds for the American Mayor Label "Mperia Records in 2004, unfortunately the seal after 2 years went bankrupt and disappeared without trace, and no money for Ignacio, who despite this was not discouraged and continued nowadays recording with an altruistic Purpose without seeking economical benefits, he develop his music Cds Trough the free source System, namely Open Source Free access for users, with which to focus its efforts simply to give a contribution to culture through free download free of his records, which succeeded to position itself on the Internet as an artist known taking last year more than 300,000 visits in youtube one of its main sponsors sites, was succeeded as well as to be heard and then advised by great artists like The Great Tenor Peruvian Ernesto Palacios manager of the Successor of Pavarotti Juan Diego Florez, also Marcello Bedonni who was a pupil of the Incomparable Italian Tenor Franco Corelli, and many others famous. Ignacio to make a musical career that transcended national and regional level, its Country Chile, achieving Unexpectedly make it to the talk at the international level as someone promising in music, so much so that even the renowned International Featured the Awesome Tenor Mr. Tito Beltran has recognized Ignacio as Tenor during a performance in which Ignacio had the honoured to share on stage with Him and learn from their experience in the theatres and stages. Ignacio Done to throughout his life has recording the considerable amount of Independent 45 Music CD Albums includes a large number of genres such as Opera, Italian Songs, Hymns, Contemporary Christian Music, Rock, Pop, Heavy Metal and Ballads of love. This singular Tenor Despite regarded himself as a tenor imperfect, known for his charisma and ability to convey emotions and kindness encountered in every concert and performance, that's why I say that Ignacio is to be heard as someone who tries to give through art a grain of sand to the society, because this grain of sand is a message that is full of love and social union.
Band/artist history
TENOR IGNACIO GOMEZ ESPANISH BIOGRAPHY Ignacio Gómez Nació el 22 de Diciembre de 1984, Joven Tenor Chileno que Gusta Compartir Sus Discos de forma gratuita con sus oyentes Para llegar con su arte y su mensaje de amor, cristianismo y reconciliación social a lugares lejanos en donde el no puede llegar, Ignacio consta con un registro vocal muy extenso de aproximadamente 3 octavas de piano lo cual lo hace muy especial y le convierte en una de las voces con mas registro vocal en el mundo entero, Comenzó a cantar desde que tenía 4 años, y desde temprana edad mostró una personalidad bondadosa y ligada al arte y espiritualidad, pero su pasión por la música y el piano desde pequeño fueron notorios, ya que a lo largo de su niñez tuvo una infancia rodeada de influencias musicales como Walfgang Amadeus mozart, y Ludwing van Beethoven pero lo que siempre lo apasionó fue el canto, por eso ingreso al coro de la escuela milagrosa en donde obtuvo sus primeros conocimientos de técnica vocal aprendiendo la impostación de cabeza entre los años 1995 y 1996 lo que finalmente lo llevo a ser solista de coro cuando tenia 10 años, posteriormente en el año 1998, comienza practicar Piano durante 4 Horas diarias por un periodo de 2 años, logrando interpretar repertorio de piano Clásico popular como Fuer Elise de Beethven, a la turca de Mozart y la pérgola de la rosas, luego al pasar los años ingresó a la secundaria en donde aprendió música con el maestro Enrique Veiga (Un gran guitarrista Magallánico, que en su mejor momento logro ser el tercer mejor guitarrista clásico de chile), Posteriormente desde el año 2004 hasta el año 2007 su maestro de canto fue el Tenor Dramático Luis Oyarzún (que sin lugar a duda consta de una voz muy técnica ya que su maestro fue Leandro Lan franco Lombardini que fue a su vez aprendió de Carlos Santalice que fue alumno del célebre Beniamino Gigli En Italia, Quien Fuera Considerado El Sucesor de El Gran Enrico Caruso). Ignacio Junto Con mejorar notoriamente su método de respiración con el maestro Oyarzún, logra plasmar Varios discos para el sello Discográfico norteamericano Mperia Records durante el año 2004, lamentablemente el sello luego de 2 años quebró y desapareció sin dejar rastro, ni dinero para el joven Ignacio, que pese a esto no se desanimo y siguió grabando de forma altruista sin buscar beneficios económicos por sistema de free souce, es decir Código Abierto de Libre acceso para los cibernautas, con el cual a enfocado simplemente su empeño a dar un aporte a la cultura a través de libre descarga gratuita de sus discos, con la cual a conseguido posicionarse en Internet como una artista conocido teniendo el año pasado mas de 300.000 visitas en youtube uno de sus principales sitios patrocinadores, Fue así como a logrado ser escuchado y posteriormente aconsejado por grandes artistas como El Gran Tenor Peruano Ernesto Palacios manager del Sucesor de Pavarotti Juan Diego Florez, o Como Marcello Bedonni quien fue alumno de el Incomparable Franco Corelli, entre otros Ignacio a Realizado Una carrera musical que a trascendido el ámbito regional y nacional, de su País Chile, logrando Inesperadamente hacer que se hable de el en el plano internacional como alguien prometedor en la música, tanto así que incluso el Destacado Tenor de fama Internacional Don Tito Beltrán le ha reconocido como Tenor durante una actuación en la cual Ignacio tubo el honor de compartir con el y aprender de su experiencia en los escenarios. Ignacio a Realizado a lo largo de su Vida la considerable suma de 45 Discos Independientes abarcando un gran numero de géneros tales como la opera, canzonetas italianas, Himnos, Música Cristiana Contemporánea, Rock, Pop, Heavy Metal y Baladas de amor. Este Singular Tenor Pese a considerarse a si mismo como un tenor imperfecto, destaca por su carisma y capacidad de transmitir emociones y bondad a la hora de realizar un concierto o presentación, es por eso que Ignacio es digo de ser escuchado como alguien que intenta dar a través del arte un granito de arena a la sociedad, pues este granito de arena esta lleno de amor y unión social.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
yes a lots of concerts and opera galas
Your musical influences
Luciano Pavarotti, Alfredo Kraus, Franco Corelli, Beniamino Gigli, Mario del Monaco, Marcelo Álvarez, Carlo Bergonzi, Jussi Björling, Andrea Bocelli, José Carreras, Enrico Caruso, Plácido Domingo, Juan Diego Flórez, Mario Frangoulis, Ramón Vargas, Rolando Villazón, Wolfgang Windgassen, Fritz Wunderlich, Roberto Alagna, Luigi Alva, Jaume Aragall, Edgar Bastidas, Ugo Benelli, Jaime Caicompai, Tito Beltrán, Sergio Rey, Luis Oyarzún, Joseph Calleja, José Cura, Giuseppe di Stefano, Miguel Fleta, Nicolai Gedda, Mario Lanza, Giacomo Lauri-Volpi, Giovanni Martinelli, John McCormack, James McCracken, Lauritz Melchior, Jan Peerce, Helge Rosvaenge, Tito Schipa, Joseph Schmidt, Ferruccio Tagliavini, Richard Tauber, Richard Tucker, Jon Vickers, Ramón Vinay, Craig Warman, Giovanni Zenatello, Alejandro Fernández, Bruce Dickinson, Freddie Mercury, Luis Miguel, Tom Jones, Michael Jackson, Pedro Vargas, Stryper, Petra, Michael Sweet, Guardian, Marcos Witt, Danilo Montero, Marcos Barrientos, Doris Machin, Rene Gonzales, Christian Castro, Gianni Morandi, Ron Kenoly, Paul Wilbur, Jose Ignacio Gomez Urra, The Beatles, Il Divo, Giacomo Puccini, Bellini, Giuseppe Verdi, Gaetano Donizetti, Gluck, Rossini, LITTLE TONY, BOBBY Solo, Jesús Adrian Romero, Lucho Gatica, Los Angeles Negros, Mambru, Maná, Luis Santiago, Camilo Sesto, Guns and Roses, Rata Blanca, Ricardo Montaner, John Lenon,Stevie Wonder, and More...
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