MG Frisbey
Original alternative country
top 50
Creedy's Place
A little Halloween tune that I threw together for the season. Lyrics were written a couple of years ago.
You Can't Please Everyone
Saturday Night Jambalaya
This song has been graciously accepted by the Gonzales, Louisiana Jambalaya Festival committee to be included for play on their main sound stage during the festival. AIEEE!
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While I am not really a band per se, I do get together with friends to work on music that I have created. Most times you will find me slogging it out in the studio by myself trying to get a guitar or drum track down that sounds decent. I am not too much of a singer but have people that keep pushing me to do that. As with anything it takes a lot of practice to be good.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Occasionally as I am mostly a songwriter. Sometimes I'll get the courage to play small venues like coffee houses. It can be a rush sometimes if the audience stops talking and doing whatever they are doing and starts really listening to a particular song.
Your musical influences
Mostly Motown and 50's, 60's rock-n-roll. However most of my writing tends to lean toward alternative country. I like many different forms of music and try to use that influence when I am creating.
What equipment do you use?
Ovation, Washburn, Fender, Yamaha and a variety of equipment in the studio.
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Comments (19)
MG, if you're interested, we're doing an acoustic jam on Monday nights, we usually start around 7:00 at Crossroads Bar and Grill 3165 River Rd N Salem OR 97303. So stop by and bring your guitar and join in, or just listen and chat with other local musicians.
Hope to see you there.
Wo-o-o-ow!! Now that just blew me away, plain and simple! Now hayloft queen has to move down one spot! I absolutely loved this number!This is powerful, Mike!The drive, the pump, the sound balance, everything is there!Tastefully done!And who needs Shania Twain with a vocalist like that? :)) Excellent guitar work! Loved the bass riff too! Always admired your ability to put all those pieces together!
Another favourite! You really have an ear for those off-beats, don't you, Mike?:))) You are a hell of a producer, Mike! Great idea! Wonderful guitar work! Personally, I could see how a bit more power in the bass line (some nice and heavy straight pump) would spiral the drive even higher up into the sky but it is perfect as as...
that's my absolute favourite! such a great piece filled with character and energy! A great example when music, lyrics and production blend so nicely together! I would throw in some more harmonies (as if echoeing the lines) in the final chorus - but that might well be too much of an icing on that cake!))))
This is a great piece, Mike! Love the idea! However, I agree, that a more natural sounding guitar would do much better. If you ever decide to re-vamp this one, there's a way to make your keyboard guitar sound less mechanical, but it will require some midi-tweaking... let me know if you'd like to try
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