Tom Boyd

Picture for song 'Oh What A Mess America In' by artist 'Tom Boyd'

Oh What A Mess America In

America is in a Mess and this song is about how we got in this mess.

#48 in Christian Country

Picture for song 'Songwriter Blues' by artist 'Tom Boyd'

Songwriter Blues

A song about the struggle of songwriting

Country General No samples

Picture for song 'Take Me Back To My Childhood Days' by artist 'Tom Boyd'

Take Me Back To My Childhood Days

Do you ever long for those simple days where things moved slow. Take Me Back to those simple days.

Christian Country No samples

Picture for song 'I listened To God Today' by artist 'Tom Boyd'

I listened To God Today

God is everywhere and if we listen he will speak to us.

Christian Country

Picture for song 'Mama Not In This Grave' by artist 'Tom Boyd'

Mama Not In This Grave

Christian Country

Picture for song 'Dont Cry Any Tears For Me' by artist 'Tom Boyd'

Dont Cry Any Tears For Me

A song about what I want my family to know after I die.

Christian Country

Picture for song 'Lord Lead Me Home' by artist 'Tom Boyd'

Lord Lead Me Home

Christian Country

Picture for song 'gods word' by artist 'Tom Boyd'

gods word

This song is about Psalms 113, how it teaches us to study Gods Written Word.

Christian Country

Picture for song 'Lord send an Angel' by artist 'Tom Boyd'

Lord send an Angel

Song about a wife who lost 2 sons and a husband asking the lord to send her an Angel

Christian Country

Picture for song 'So Youll Feel Loved' by artist 'Tom Boyd'

So Youll Feel Loved

Its about a Woman wanting to be loved and someone realizes what she needs.

Christian Country

Picture for song 'Find Peace and Happiness' by artist 'Tom Boyd'

Find Peace and Happiness

We try many ways to find happiness, theres on one way to find it and its through Jesus.

Christian Country

Picture for song 'Jesus Never Complained' by artist 'Tom Boyd'

Jesus Never Complained

A song about how we complain about little things but Jesus Never Complained

Christian Country

Picture for song 'Something Going On' by artist 'Tom Boyd'

Something Going On

Song about whats going on in America today

Christian Country

Picture for song 'Cant Social Distance Me From God.mp3' by artist 'Tom Boyd'

Cant Social Distance Me From God.mp3

Christian Country

Picture for song 'Above The Morning Mist' by artist 'Tom Boyd'

Above The Morning Mist

There is only one perfect world and that is with Jesus Christ, High Above The Mist. A story about us living in a non-perfect world.

Christian Country

Picture for song 'God shines his love on me' by artist 'Tom Boyd'

God shines his love on me

Appreciate all the Wonders the Lord Provides

Christian Country

Picture for song 'Pray For Gods Grace' by artist 'Tom Boyd'

Pray For Gods Grace

After many years of struggling with praying to God and much Bible research this is my Sinners Prayer

Christian Country

Picture for song 'Why Newtown Happened' by artist 'Tom Boyd'

Why Newtown Happened

I wrote an article about why I believe the Newtown massacre happened and I put this article to words along with background music of me playing Amazing Grace on the harmonica. link to video of this song

Christian Country

Picture for song 'YES O'L FRIEND' by artist 'Tom Boyd'



Christian Country