Tele Jazz Wood Shed

4 top 50
7 songs
1.1K plays
Picture for song 'Joe P...R D MIDI conversion ' by artist 'Tele Jazz Wood Shed'

Joe P...R D MIDI conversion

A quick example of using the Jam Orig MIDI-Guitar to do a Audio to Midi conversion


Picture for song '8 String B minor' by artist 'Tele Jazz Wood Shed'

8 String B minor

This clip is a quick demo of my 8 string guitar being played clean .


Picture for song ' Kenfucius an 8 String Guitar Demo' by artist 'Tele Jazz Wood Shed'

Kenfucius an 8 String Guitar Demo

This song is a work in progress , Kenny is playing all the guitar parts at once on his 8 string guitar ...


Picture for song '8 String Guitar Vamp in D ' by artist 'Tele Jazz Wood Shed'

8 String Guitar Vamp in D

This file is an 8 string guitar vamp in D 7 it has 3 sections , the first is the target tempo , the second is the tempo I played it at and the 3 rd is once again the target tempo .. This vamp was done to test audio time stretching


Picture for song 'Midi Conversion of A-T-T-Y-A' by artist 'Tele Jazz Wood Shed'

Midi Conversion of A-T-T-Y-A

An Iconic Master Guitar Players performance of a Jazz Standard converted over to midi ... This file is for educational purposes only and this file was not edited over on the midi side ...the midi conversion is very close IMHO.

Cover Songs

The Tele Jazz Woodshed is basicly an Alias for Kenny W Tele Jazz This page is for practice file's and MP3's that people can use to practice along with.
Your musical influences
I'm into music that is well played regardless of Genre
What equipment do you use?
SONAR 6 Producer Edition Project 5 V 2 Samplitude 8 Dimension Pro and a bunch of Guitars


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