
College Station, TX  USA
October 09, 2006
147 plays
Ravishing a universe looking for love!
Band/artist history
Mothracide starting out in mid 2006 as a side project between Will T of Fuck the Main$tream on Vox and Kobo & Manny of the BLASTRUDS on everything else. All the members met & formed the group originally called "MOTHRA" in the small South Texas town of BeEville, Tx. The band recorded their 1st jam in 2006 and eventually released it in 2008 as an 8 song live album: "From Larva to Monster: Live for the 1st time" still under the name Mothra. Then over the extended course of the next few years and Will moving to Kingsville to attend University - the band continued to record their would be follow up "This Shit Is Stinks" now going by the name "The Mothra" because apparently there were multiple bands calling themselves that. Most of the material at this time was recorded via snail mail 2006-2010 & featured either Kobo or Manny performing entire tracks separately with Will singing. 6 songs were recorded during this time; "D.I.Y.", "Sesos", "Sandbox Games", "New Cliche", & "Callow". The ended up rewriting, reworking, eventually recording "New Cliche" calling it this time around "Newest Cliche". In 2011 Kobo moved to College Station, Will moved to Bay City,Tx & Manny stayed in BeEville,Tx. Shortly after the moves The Mothra! recorded one last track with the original trio via snail mail entitled "Tsunami Attack!" loosely based on the events surrounding the catastrophes in Japan at the time. Will moved back to Kingsville and returned to school. That Fall work began on a new untitled record. Summer 2012 Will moved to Bryan-College Station. By Fall the newly rechristened group MOTHRACIDE! had finished putting the final touches on two "new" songs. These "new" songs are complete reworkings and recordings of songs from the live album "From Larva to Monster" they include: "Unleashed" & "Battle Song"... Currently, the band is hard at work rounding out its next record, as well as, rounding out a full live line up for a series of shows in the BCS area by Fall 2013..More destruction to follow!!! NEW MERCH - SHIRTS, STICKERS, POSTERS & MORE COMING SOON!!!
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yep, wherever.. Live shows are the best, they offer an intimacy with the crowd recordings don't.. Special moments are mostly limited to recording & getting trashed but we're working on 'em..
Your musical influences
Napalm Death, Sleep, Clutch, High on Fire, Death, Melvins, FudgeTunnel, NailBomb, Sepultura, Slayer, Deicide, Kyuss, misfits...many more...
What equipment do you use?
Our Own..
Anything else?
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