R. I.P. FallenAngelofMusic

PreviouslyFC, now to be known as the new Angel of music, Now R.I.P. the fallen angel of music. Forever sorry to my wife, and my wife.

1 top 50
124 songs
37.6K plays
Picture for song 'itsbeensolong Mixdown 2' by artist 'R. I.P. FallenAngelofMusic'

itsbeensolong Mixdown 2

Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'references to stealing music from the devil made 5' by artist 'R. I.P. FallenAngelofMusic'

references to stealing music from the devil made 5

Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'simple man cover, chris shefield on guitar' by artist 'R. I.P. FallenAngelofMusic'

simple man cover, chris shefield on guitar

me singing simple man, first time on a cardoid condenser studio mic...again christopher sheffield on the guitar...enjoy.

Cover Songs

Picture for song 'backtosomething.mp3' by artist 'R. I.P. FallenAngelofMusic'


Last Freebie For quite a while.

Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'Yelawolf Diss FREESTYLE' by artist 'R. I.P. FallenAngelofMusic'

Yelawolf Diss FREESTYLE

yelawolf promoting the wigger? from the country....no, i dont think so.


Just havin fun, music soothes the soul...best way to get emotion out...music stole my soul.
Your musical influences
sublime, marley, eminem, ice cube, krs one, tupac, otis redding, eagles....


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