I am an amateur electronic music producer. I use Fruity Loops. I make a variety of electronic genres.
top 50

::2010:: Criminal ( Rap Instrumental )

::2009:: Houligans

::2009:: Atomica
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Band/artist history
I first got into production with Fruity Loops 3.0, and was mesmerized by the electronic sounds it put at your fingertips. Since I started I have made all my music completely on my own, figuring out everything I have figured out thus far through trial and error. To this date I am still making bigger, and better songs.
Your musical influences
When I first started listening to music ( Age 14 or so ), I listened to alot of Aphex Twin. My musical horizons have since then expanded to include far more genres and styles.
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Comments (7)
Found your track 2009:Spacewalk on the Ambient Chanel. Sweet Mix. Just spacy enough to be Ambient but active enough to interest the Trance/Techno crowd. I don't use loops anymore but you challenge me to combine Ambient with Electro. Keep it up, Great Tunes!
I dont' know if you log into your youtube account anymore, but really enjoy your random trek stuff =D
Thanks for the comment on my Pirtek track Infyuthsion :-) I've got a Noisecore album in the works at the moment. Once it's finished I'd like to know what you think (It's alot more hardcore than this tho). I've also checked out your tracks, some have a Squarepusher feel to them (Illuminated for example) which is a good thing as I'm a big fan. Excellent production!
Hi, great music mate. Good mastering and vibes, very very creative melodies which i really like! Keep the good job and you will go far for sure.
Once i used to produce this style like yours, until i heard PsyTrance and its been a while since i produced this kinda style.
Anyway, check some of my stuff i think u might like it. [ "King Of the Music" has some remains of the style i used to make ;)]
Good luck.
hey yah e-mail me
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