
July 15, 2006
369 plays
Just me!
Band/artist history
I was born... Seriously though, I know I'm not a pro...not claiming to be. Most of the stuff I post here is for my family far away to be able to listen...its not like we get together every weekend to sit around the campfire n get high ;) I sound like whatever comes out of my guitar. Singing, well, we'll reserve that for venues such as InTheCar or InTheShower! I They've had me as an exclusive for many years now and don't want to share yet! Hey its in my contract...nuttin I can do about it :) I'm just a noodler playing and writing for self satisfaction and I have to have at least ONE creative outlet. Dunno what to put here really as you all know me anyway! I love playing guitar, just wish I could make come out my fingers,what I hear in my head...(yeah I hear music in there) I started playing over 10 years ago when I bought an Epiphone acoustic. I played it for about a year, then my brother "borrowed" it and still has it!!!! I bought my Yamaha about 5 years ago and since then have not been able to put it down! I'm quite obsessed at times when it comes to "getting it right" so I can play several days away no problem! It usually is all or nothing with me, but guitar is one of the few (besides my own children) I've stuck with for quite a few years now. I did however have a severe case of G.A.S. last year and bought a very expensive American Deluxe Fat Strat, that I have since sold because it just wasn't for me (and I wanted to give my kids a good Christmas! ha) I got out of it what I paid for it, so I'm not complaining. So have a listen, love it or hate it...no opinion at all is ok too...it's just me and I'm ok with that! ♥ Add something? Take it out? Gimme a chord that fits! I take constructive criticism very well...
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Well I don't play dead!
Your musical influences
Ah way to many to list!!
What equipment do you use?
Yamaha LL6 and me fingers.
Anything else?
I also write a lot of lyrics... I hate that I rhyme so much, but what they hey...it works. You can read here: www.myspace.com/valeriedawn70
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