The Blood Orange Project
Progressive Rock and Sometimes Instrumental Rock Music for your Melon.
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2 - Karmagedden
Music by Clayton McVicker, Paul Fix and David Hayes, Lyrics by David Hayes, copyright 2008 Doctor Dream Entertainment

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Everyone Loves a good conspiracy!
Band/artist history
Paul Fix has been around the industry as a keyboard player, programmer, recording engineer and producer for many years. Clayton McVicker has been in the buss. for decades, playing guitar and working with some of the biggest names in the world as a demo rep for Randall. David Hayes (formerly of Doctor Dream Records) has been in the industry for over 25 years as a Record Label Owner, Producer, Studio Owner, Promoter and keyboard player.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yes. We've been testing small venues with the current show, we are expanding the show to a full stage set which is in the design stages at the moment.
Your musical influences
Pink Floyd, Tangerine Dream, The Crystal Method, Nine Inch Nails, Deep Purple, Supertramp, Massive Attack, Rush, The Album Leaf, Jeff Beck, Santana, Gorillaz, The Dead Kennedys, The Flaming Lips, Enigma, Leif Garrett, Donnie Osmond, Air Supply, Barney and Pee Wee Herman.
What equipment do you use?
Everything. Mostly we use M-Audio and Roland gear for the keyboards and programming, Clayton has so many guitars that it's hard to list 'em all, his favorite would have to be the Les Paul Custom and of course the Strat he built himself, that is one bad-ass guitar. Dave has his Kurzweil (Yes, an original big ass true Kurzweil, one of the first K250's ever made), but is currently shopping for new gear. Any sponsors out there? LOL! Roland, Korg, Yamaha... anyone?!?!
Let's see, we currently have on hand in the studio:
Keys: Roland XV-88, Roland RD700SX, Roland JX3P (With the PG200 programmer), Alesis Ion, Moog Prodigy, Yamaha DX-7 (we love the classics), M-Audio Ozone, Kurzweil K250. Software: Cubase 4, Reason 3.0, Live! 7.0, Battery, Kontakt, Vokator, FM-7, Korg Legacy, Korg MS20, Korg Wavestation, Lounge Lizard, Moog Mini-Moog & Modular, B-4, Prophet-5, East West Symphonic Orchestra and Choirs, Also about 500 gigs worth of sample libraries.
Anything else?
We do Rock and electronic style soundtracks as well as more commercial type music. We're also a fully digital production studio specializing in small projects, post production, and film & media scoring. We're currently working on our own Project (obviously), and getting ready to start pre-production for the live show. Thanks for stopping by!
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Comments (9)
Very nice, cool playing and guitar sounds.
Big sounding production too.
Well done,
VERY nice!
Great sound. Catchy hooks. Very cool lyrics.
Rock solid rocks out and also makes a statement...sweet kick ass lead! Rock on!
Peace through music...
Just listening to spirit free,,, sounds good,, nice backround music.. I like it,, regards from sweden!
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