ProgressiveRock-NewAge-Ambient cosmic-symphonic melodic-atmospheric

Through A Luminous Galaxy
This piece completes the GALAXY-album. It is a floydesque, epic and atmospheric song about a journey through space with different synthesizer-layers, e-guitar and other instruments in different parts. It will take you away through time and space!

Pure melancholy! Just a Piano and a Draw Organ layered with warm synths and the sound of the waves! Timeless relaxation for timeless moments!

Unbearable Emptyness
The unbearable emptyness becomes sensible with this melancholic, bluesy and psychedelic track. It begins with an opressive rhythm of drums, bass and church organ, following with the development of the other instruments. So: listen to the whole song.

The fantastic melancholic classical piece of Tomaso Albinoni transposed into a New Age / Soft Rock piece with e-guitar, Synths, drums and bass!

Final Achievement
Wonderful New Age / Easy Listening with strings and different piano-parts. Great track to dream and to relax.
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