
Story of the Blues
Gibson Les Paul Standard with WB VHTP's & Marshall DSL 50. Recorded via Firewire 410 and Sonar 7.

Santana Style

C ya Blues

Slow Bm Blues

Cause We've Ended As Lovers
One of my most favorite songs of all time. My Strat w/ WB 6707 Hot Rod pups straight into my Marshall DSL 50. Recorded and mixed in Sonar 7 with Firewire 410

Mischief Blues Jam

Muddy Stormy
Recorded with my Fender Jimmie Vaughan Strat with Will Boggs custom wound 6707 Hot Rod single coils. Played thru a Marshall DSL 50 mic'd with a Shure SM57 thru M-Audio PreUSB interface into Sonar 7 Studio.

Tru Blu You

Latin Street

Marooned Alone

Game Of Pain

Lazy Wednesday Blues

Black n Blue Again

Premise Me

Funky Friends